[UE4] There is a problem with the landscape texture in the mobile project.

I have a question while creating a mobile project

---------------------------------------------------------------------------in android mobile

---------------------------------------------------------------------------in mobile preview

The top is Android mobile, and the bottom is mobile preview.
Is there a way to make the landscape texture clump up?
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to do it.

Please understand that my English is not good enough.

I would advise you to make a menu of graphics settings) and feedback whether there is still a problem

Thank you for your answer.
I’m going to create a graphic setting menu.

By the way, the other textures are normal, but only the landscape textures are problematic, so is it effective to create a graphic setting menu?

hard to say … first there are mobile devices that do not support the landscape)) then there are texture settings that may be incorrect. then there may be graphics settings on the device itself, which spoils it…then there may be a profile selector that underestimates the graphics according to your graphics processor)) generally do not know how you have, but I have what I see in the engine the same exactly what I see in the mobile device (I turned off any restrictions and optimizations of the engine …)

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:

The other textures except for the landscape textures are expressed normally.
As advised by others, I tried to create an option-graphic setting, but it was not resolved.
(The device I tested was Samsung Galaxy s20.)

try to run without a profiler … and what will be the result?(disable - restart - build apk)

although it is a powerful device and the profiler should not reduce the graphics … I have a weak phone and it reduced the graphics and broke a lot

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I will check the profiler and package it.

My condolences on your phone…

I have same problem, only the landscape texture show with low resolution, disabled profile plugin and tried scalability console commands. UE4.27.2 on Aderon6XX GLES3.