UE4 Roadmap

Can you add Turn Based Strategy to your list of Game Templates to make? :slight_smile:

The project I’ve got on my plate involves all AI movement, no player controlled character just camera following and reacting to events on screen. More or less moving on to think about non AI parts of the project right now, but the proposed AI items on the roadmap are making me drool. Restraining myself from begging on putting those on the “officially planned” tags :slight_smile: (But I suppose I just did, didn’t I?)

So, any we might add some documentation on movement in general to the list? See that AI/Navmesh is on the Documentation list, but would also be interested in pawn movement in general. Say along a custom path not navmesh based. Such as in an array of points, or curves/splines to follow. (Perhaps it’s there but my terminology doesn’t match up)

I’ve added the request, thanks for surfacing. We’re still working out timeline on the AI features but will have more insight shortly. Most of that AI work is being driven by Fortnite at the moment and we’re working on streamlining the process for those features readily available to (along with documentation and tutorials).

Can you add Turn Based Strategy to your list of Game Templates to make? :slight_smile:

Of course! Done. :slight_smile: Now I want to go make a roguelike in UE4…

@Epic Games:
Please, I NEED Dynamic Fracturing to port my game from Unity to UE4;
Anything close to is enough to hook me into UE4 singing songs about you to my children till my last day on earth:

(slicing system from 0:33)


[=Ray ;61701]
I’ve added the request, thanks for surfacing. We’re still working out timeline on the AI features but will have more insight shortly. Most of that AI work is being driven by Fortnite at the moment and we’re working on streamlining the process for those features readily available to (along with documentation and tutorials).

Many thanks :slight_smile: I look forward to it, and to Fortnite. That looks really entertaining!

[=Ray ;61704]
Of course! Done. :slight_smile: Now I want to go make a roguelike in UE4…

Thanks! Glad to see I wasn’t even the first one to put a vote into it! :slight_smile:

@Epic Games:
Please, I NEED Dynamic Fracturing to port my game from Unity to UE4;
Anything close to is enough to hook me into UE4 singing songs about you to my children till my last day on earth:

(slicing system from 0:33)

Yep! We’re definitely talking about - hopefully or Ori will chime in with more info soon.

Please, I NEED Dynamic Fracturing to port my game from Unity to UE4

Don’t you mean some form of slicing though? As far as I know, dynamic fracturing would mean, that you could fracture a mesh at runtime, instead of just in the editor, i.e. calculate the random chunks of a destructible at runtime.

I would love to see Dynamic Fracturing as well. Right now, I don’t think you can have procedurally generated destructible meshes.

Don’t you mean some form of slicing though? As far as I know, dynamic fracturing would mean, that you could fracture a mesh at runtime, instead of just in the editor, i.e. calculate the random chunks of a destructible at runtime.

I would love to see Dynamic Fracturing as well. Right now, I don’t think you can have procedurally generated destructible meshes.

Yes, if they come up with a easy way to slice objects and add rigid body to the pieces would be 100% what I need.
is kinda easy to do in Unity with C#; don’t even need source code access; but I am ultra noob in Unreal fields and have no idea where/how to do it here. So if in the end all I can come with is shattering and not slicing, I hope players don’t be mad at me :B
Anyways, I want to move away from Unity because it has many other annoying problems and my projec is better aimed at the toolset UE4 already provides. Is just one I don’t have out of the box.

I love Epics transparency. Please keep it up towards us indies :slight_smile:

Loving it!

I think Valve could take a leaf out of the Epic playbook!
Particularly the part about development transparency :stuck_out_tongue:

Would be great if you guys could add a fighting game card on the game templates :wink:

Would be great if you guys could add a fighting game card on the game templates :wink:

Did you see thread yet? Learn how to make a fighting game in unreal 4 - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums

I’ve saw and read the thread already. I’m using the search function on a daily basis and so far I haven’t found something which indicates the fighting game template will be added on the roadmap so I’m currently focusing on 3D modeling/texturing/rigging/animation in the mean time :slight_smile:

Thank you for the updates, you rock!!! So very excited about what is marked as coming soon. For documentation updates, is there a good place to watch for new material? I have a bunch of bookmarks now that I check every now and then, visually look for new items, but I’d feel silly (and grateful) to learn there was a better way. Mostly, just don’t want to miss anything.

For documentation updates, is there a good place to watch for new material?

We’re definitely trying to highlight new learning resources in the release notes - like in the 4.2 forum post. includes new videos, new written documentation, and also any in-editor or project-based material. :slight_smile: There are a lot of minor updates and fixes in the written docs that make it into each new release, too, so we’ll keep working on ways to make it easier for you to find new and updated docs!

We’re definitely trying to highlight new learning resources in the release notes - like in the 4.2 forum post. includes new videos, new written documentation, and also any in-editor or project-based material. :slight_smile: There are a lot of minor updates and fixes in the written docs that make it into each new release, too, so we’ll keep working on ways to make it easier for you to find new and updated docs!

Thank you Lauren! Funny how I look forward to UE4 docs more than the next hot novel. It’s like some kind of beautiful game dev poetry :slight_smile:

Cannot wait for more UE4 video tutorials. I watched and love them all :slight_smile:

I noticed Light Propagation Volumes was downgraded to the wishlist. Does mean the is complete, or no longer being worked on? It used to say July, and I sincerely hope it has not been scrapped.

I noticed Light Propagation Volumes was downgraded to the wishlist. Does mean the is complete, or no longer being worked on? It used to say July, and I sincerely hope it has not been scrapped.

Wishlist isn’t really the right term but we have pushed it to the backlog for now due to other pressing priorities. Lionhead is still hard at work improving LPV and we will continue to integrate improvements they make.