UE4 Roadmap

How about focusing more on the vehicles? can someone once and for all fix the glitch with flying vehicles? also need add ****]([request] Need separates axis in vehicle animation node "Copy bone"!!!!!!!!!!! - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums) very useful that can make vehicle setup with advanced suspension in many times easier(in 3d software and UE4 editor)… so pls add to yours roadmap. Thank you for amazing engine

Hey guys on one stream you mentioned possibility of reseting votes on trello board.

Is still on the road ? It would be nice to reset votes on every trello update, to better gauge intrest in what people really want, and once in a while publish graph on how votes trend over time.

Is still on the road ? It would be nice to reset votes on every trello update, to better gauge intrest in what people really want, and once in a while publish graph on how votes trend over time.

People will vote one time only, if you reset their vote, you won’t have the exact number of people interested on a they voted.

I have noticed small but usable for EQS queries. It would be nice to have binding of blackboard variables (keys) to parameters of the EQS query. For example my character has a radius of the weapon and I need to query actors in radius from BT tree. For now I can set only exact values to parameters of the EQS query.

“UE4 Roadmap -> Rendering -> Hair/fur shading”

NVIDIA HairWorks?
AMD TressFX Hair?
Unreal Engine 4 Original?

In the roadmap they mean their own solution.

NVIDIA HairWorks?
AMD TressFX Hair?

These are too expensive, instead you can use hair shader with polygons and some physics joints .

[=Aabs Inc.;328560]
“UE4 Roadmap -> Rendering -> Hair/fur shading”

NVIDIA HairWorks?
AMD TressFX Hair?
Unreal Engine 4 Original?

UE4 original will be better :smiley: , because we know Epic has a great Team :cool: , and the original features from Epic will be

may I ask about roadmap, what that color mean, I know about blue, but how about yellow, green, and other, it says august, september, etc

Yeah, I can’t wait to finally see what their proprietary hair solution looks like (anisotropic highlights, depth sorting etc.)! It will also be interesting to see how it has to be authored, in DCC tools or in UE4 itself…

Greetings All,

While I’m not new to Game Engine fiddling (Unreal Engine and Cryengine), 3D CGI (, 3DS and Lightwave), and audio production (30+ year semi-pro/hobbyist with REAPER, Sony Sound Forge, etc.), I am somewhat new to contibuting thoughts and ideas on forums (been reading them forever but almost never chiming in myself).

It occured to me recently that, with all the grand advancements on the visual end of game tech development, very little has been done to advance the apparent realism of the audio component on a real-time dynamic scale. Most audio in games is still ‘canned’, although some real-time spatial have been implimented to enhance the apparent ‘sound volumes’ as a player moves through them in the game world.

I submit that the next big leap in game tech for the UE4 engine should focus on game audio. What’s that? “We really can’t do much more than we’re already doing to make the audio environment as realistic as possible”. I ccry foul. There IS something that can be done. It won’t be EASY, but I’m sure someone or some dev groups out there will see what I’m proposing and run with it (sorry, I wish I was a coder so I could do myself - but I’m not).

In much the same conceptual arena as nVidia has helped (or pioneered) in creating the MDL (Material Definition Language) for their Iray renderer to define the ‘real world’ absorptive, refractive and reflective properties of physical material in a CGI environment, I believe the same can be done with in-game sound effect audio to create an AMDL (Audio Material Definition Language) to define the absorptive, refractive and reflective AUDIO properties of materials and surfaces in the virtual game environment via the currently used technology of convolution reverb impulses.

For a more in-depth overview of what I’m referring to, please check out the information contained in the following link; http://www.voxengo.com//imodeler/

I believe that said audio can either be run in a separate GPU/CPU processing thread, or a partnership needs to be formed with an industry-leading audio hardware manufacturer (Creative Labs, etc.) to enable the capability of technology in parallel with the already CGI capabilities of current video card hardware. could, if properly developed and implimented, could go LIGHT YEARS into enhacing the realism of any game play and/or VR presentation - especially when applying to uses with VR hardware (Oculus Rift and the like).

Imagine the possibilities…

Greetings All,

While I’m not new to Game Engine fiddling (Unreal Engine and Cryengine), 3D CGI (, 3DS and Lightwave), and audio production (30+ year semi-pro/hobbyist with REAPER, Sony Sound Forge, etc.), I am somewhat new to contibuting thoughts and ideas on forums (been reading them forever but almost never chiming in myself).

It occured to me recently that, with all the grand advancements on the visual end of game tech development, very little has been done to advance the apparent realism of the audio component on a real-time dynamic scale. Most audio in games is still ‘canned’, although some real-time spatial have been implimented to enhance the apparent ‘sound volumes’ as a player moves through them in the game world.

I submit that the next big leap in game tech for the UE4 engine should focus on game audio. What’s that? “We really can’t do much more than we’re already doing to make the audio environment as realistic as possible”. I ccry foul. There IS something that can be done. It won’t be EASY, but I’m sure someone or some dev groups out there will see what I’m proposing and run with it (sorry, I wish I was a coder so I could do myself - but I’m not).

In much the same conceptual arena as nVidia has helped (or pioneered) in creating the MDL (Material Definition Language) for their Iray renderer to define the ‘real world’ absorptive, refractive and reflective properties of physical material in a CGI environment, I believe the same can be done with in-game sound effect audio to create an AMDL (Audio Material Definition Language) to define the absorptive, refractive and reflective AUDIO properties of materials and surfaces in the virtual game environment via the currently used technology of convolution reverb impulses.

For a more in-depth overview of what I’m referring to, please check out the information contained in the following link; http://www.voxengo.com//imodeler/

I believe that said audio can either be run in a separate GPU/CPU processing thread, or a partnership needs to be formed with an industry-leading audio hardware manufacturer (Creative Labs, etc.) to enable the capability of technology in parallel with the already CGI capabilities of current video card hardware. could, if properly developed and implimented, could go LIGHT YEARS into enhacing the realism of any game play and/or VR presentation - especially when applying to uses with VR hardware (Oculus Rift and the like).

Imagine the possibilities…

I remember reading a post a few months back about a new programmer hired specifically for improving the audio aspect of UE,
here it is

I agree with you the audio parts of the engine seem far less mature than everything else but it does seem like they realize that and are working on something better, I hope

I remember reading a post a few months back about a new programmer hired specifically for improving the audio aspect of UE,
here it is

I agree with you the audio parts of the engine seem far less mature than everything else but it does seem like they realize that and are working on something better, I hope

The audio engine is undergoing massive changes ATM. I have no idea when it will be completed but I do know that it is actively being worked on.

I asked the question regarding the audio system rework 2 weeks ago during the livestream and said that it is being worked on but an experimental release is expected to be out not before early 2016.

Woo! New roadmap month colours that correlate to how far into the future a is. Thank you Epic!

Hows it going with SLi? Is a we’ll see in the future? Seems pretty import for those of us with dual cards. :slight_smile:

Quick feedback for D3D12 implementation: didn’t see any check if the device is VPAndRTArrayIndexFromAnyShaderFeedingRasterizerSupportedWithoutGSEmulation capable (that’s not a joke, it’s a cap-bit). Avoid dummy GS for scenarios such could speed-up most of devices supporting capability (or OpenGL extensions versions like GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index and other IHVs’ equivalent extensions). For devices not supporting VPAndRTArrayIndexFromAnyShaderFeedingRasterizerSupportedWithoutGSEmulation, a dummy geometry shader is created by the driver, so profiling is needed to see if a different path with an explicit GS could be a better solution.

You need to update those colours again so that green = month, yellow = next month, orange = the month after etc :wink:

Perhaps is planned or exists already but I haven’t seen it.

I would like to be able to customize the text in array listings so that it is easy to browse to specific subobjects (easiest approach is to provide a “name property” within the class contained by the array). I would also like support for typical tree browsing controls - for instance ctrl up and down to rearrange items in the array.

A bit more detail on the array naming request here.


There are some really good cards for VR, except November is almost over, and I wonder if November VR cards will be accomplished year :confused:

I also wonder why isn’t bringing Oculus Mobile 1.0.0 and Oculus Audio SDK 1.0.0 have cards neither in VR list nor in Platforms list. There are are a lot of new features, native screen capture specifically, that would only work with apps/games built against 1.0.0 Mobile SDK. UE4 still has 0.6 SDK :confused:

Additionally, spatialized audio performance optimizations are in 1.0.0 Audio SDK, which was released a while back, and yet UE 4 still doesn’t have that :frowning:


Hi what about Niagara? when its be done?