UE4 Reset Widget DPI Scaling Curve to Default

Hi all,

I was messing around in Project Settings with the DPI scaling curve for my widgets. I ended up deleting all the points on the curve by mistake and I cannot figure out how to reset them. Currently my widgets just stay the same size no matter the size of the viewport so it’s important I figure out how to reset this.

There is a ‘reset to defaults’ button in the top right but it is greyed out. Also, I am not sure if this would reset all of project settings or just the currently opened section.

How can I reset the curve to default?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: If nobody know how to do this, could somebody who hasn’t messed with the DPI at all just send me the correct information so I can create the default again myself. Ideally I would know how to reset it as that would be a bit of a bother but if nobody knows it’s alright.

I can’t help you on how to reset this specific setting but, paste this into your DefaultEngine.ini under [/Script/Engine.UserInterfaceSettings] and the curve should ok again.


Thank you so much! Very helpful. I won’t mess with the graph again!

FYI, from reading the bit of code in the answer, the 4 keys to set are: 480,0.444; 720,0.666; 1080,1; 8640,8