I’m not able to find StringFormatter.h in the engine code which leads me to believe that it may be on wwise’s side. After building the engine for 4.9.2 how are you integrating wwise with the engine?
I’m still new to the whole github workflow but according to the wwise instructions, the repo does not contain the full source code, so if you just fork that repo youre still gonna be missing files. Either way, I’ve tried that myself and it didn’t work, at least not on mac.
Did you figure it out? I’m using a Mac but I have the same problem as you with GenericPlatformSplash.cpp, StringFormatter.h and StringFormatter.cpp. Seems impossible to integrate Wwise with UE 4.9.2
What do you mean in your third step? After downloading both branches and running Setup.bat I tried to unzip the WWise download into the folder with my engine however I did not get the same error you mentioned when trying to compile the .sln. Looking at the download page for WWise, did you copy the SDK files / libraries necessary?
Overwrite all UE4 existing content on step ‘3’ from Wwise ‘4.9’ branch folder. Of course, all required files was copied from ‘Wwise installation directory’
Are you by chance using a Mac? I noticed rob_gr mentioned being on Mac and it may be that this is platform specific (which would explain why I’ve not seen the same result).
I tried to follow your steps again and I have not been able to reproduce the issue you’ve described. Here’s what I’ve done in my attempts:
Download UE4 release branch and WWise 4.9 branch
Unzip UE4 folder to local drive
Run UE4 Setup.bat
Unzip WWise folder to local drive
Copy WWise files into UE4 folder location
Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat from merged folder
Open UE4.sln and select build
Following these steps Visual Studio seems to hang rather than complete with or without an error. If you were able to compile successfully using the 4.9 branch rather than Release, it is possible that WWsie has not accounted for differences in the UE4 branches.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.