Ue4 prerequisites x64

how can i make my pakged game with no ue4 prerequisites x64 cuz my friend is using his laptop from work so he need admin to download ue4 prerequisites x64 so i dont want ue4 prerequisites x64 in my game

Hi Td1,

There are C++ and DirectX redistributable packages that are required to run UE games/experiences. (That’s the reason why \yourgame\Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us\UEPrereqSetup_x64.exe is included with your packaged project, incase your friend did not have the required redistributables installed)

But, it is possible to disable ‘Include prerequisites installer’ in Project Settings → Packaging

I’d be curious to know what sort of error (if any) your friend gets if you send him a packaged project without the prerequisites installer.

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okey thx for the info