UE4 OSX crashing when adding audio


I am on OSX 10.9.4 and UE4 4.4.
Whenever I try adding audio assets to my project, UE crashes, without exception.
I tried changing the format, wav 24/48, 24/44 and 16/44, but get the same result.
Any suggestions??

Could you probably post this onto answerhub? https://answers.unrealengine/index.html :slight_smile: Also make sure to post your log file -> projectname/Saved/Logs/the latest log file

Sure, thanks!

Can’t however seem to find any logs in any of my projects… There is no folder called “Logs” under /Saved

Oh, sorry, that’s the window way ^^



The answerhub question form this thread: https://answers.unrealengine/questions/97396/ue4-osx-crashing-when-adding-audio.html :slight_smile:

Thnx, also posted on answer hub!