Hi, I teach a gaming class to high school students and want to transition from Unity to UE4. We’re having problems installing from the launcher and IT reports that it’s not a site blocking issue and that the problem causing it is that the launcher is not proxy aware. They have stated that this is the sole problem preventing UE4 from launching. I work for a government school and this issue will affect every system under gov in the state (and possilby every public school system in Australia if they are using similar network tech). IT report that I should bring this to your attention and see if a fix is scheduled?
As far as I’m aware users who have been behind proxies or firewalls have been fixed by making exceptions for epicgames.com and all of it’s subdomains to be allowed. That said though I will put in an issue for of developers to take a look at and hopefully give you a more technical response back to your issue.
I forwarded your answer onto IT staff and this was their response. DoE Guest is a reference to Department of Education guest accounts:
"Yup, epicgames.com and sub domains are all allowed in our proxies. Evidence by the fact that on DoE Guest, the launcher works and lets you login / download the content happily.
DoE Guest is subject to the same proxy filtering as anything joined to the education domain, the only difference being that web traffic goes directly to the default gateway instead of the machine requiring proxy details to be entered."
Sent from IT support this morning. I tested this and can verify that it works. Might need to change target destination if installation path is different:
The launcher is not “proxy aware” in the sense that it does not know to check with Internet Explorer to see what proxy server it is using, it assumes it can send web traffic directly to the default gateway.
A bit of googling found that there is an additional flag to use when running the EpicGamesLauncher.exe that makes it check Internet Explorer for a proxy server, its happily running on my machine now.
To set it:
Right click the Epic Games Launcher
Replace the contents of the “Target:” field on the Shortcut tab with this text:
“C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64\EpicGamesLauncher.exe” -http=wininet
Really good to hear you got this resolved. Thanks so much for raising this issue with us … we’re going to take a look at how we can make the launcher proxy aware without needing to resort to -http=wininet in the future.