UE4 - Navmesh not working when location is too high, how to increase navmeshbounds limits?

Hi, my scene is very high, navmeshbounds works fine up to a point, but when it reaches a higher location, nave mesh stops creating the Green path, but i haven´t been able to find an option to increase this height limit in Project settings or in the navemesh volume, then, my AI cant walk at this heghts…

How may i increase nave mesh height limits?

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I have the same problem((

I dont like necro’ing an old thread like this, however, this pops up in a search for this issue so… I’m linking one solution to the issue in another thread : Answer here : :

Basically, raise the “Cell height” in your navmesh resolutions. Normally the “default” resolution should be enough to change. I raised mine from default 10 to 20 for example due to very tall mountains in my level.

Hope it helps someone else.

Edit: of course, make sure to begin with that your navmesh volume DOES encompass the area you need navigation in :slight_smile: