UE4 Multi-User Duplicating Object Error

I’ve recently got into a problem with a multi-user session editing. I wanted to edit with a friend the same map and short after we found that from time to time different objects that we duplicate (Alt + Left Click Drag) suddenly disappears or moves into a totally different position that we wanted.

I’ve looked into the logs and found out that the problem consists in the new names of the objects. If, for example, we have 3 objects with the names ‘floor1’, ‘floor2’ and ‘floor3’ and then we try to duplicate the same type of object they both get the same name ‘floor4’ and then everything goes crazy. Here is a part of the log that exposes this:

[2021.03.13-09.55.14:669][899]LogConcert: Display: Endpoint '1' produced activity '9': Andrei locked floor_concrete1461_0 in /Game/Bunker/Maps/Bunker.
[2021.03.13-09.55.14:815][915]LogConcert: Display: Endpoint '1' produced activity '10': Andrei created floor_concrete1647 in /Game/Bunker/Maps/Bunker.
[2021.03.13-09.55.14:816][915]LogConcert: Display: Endpoint '1' produced activity '11': Andrei unlocked floor_concrete1461_0 in /Game/Bunker/Maps/Bunker.
[2021.03.13-09.55.14:922][927]LogConcert: Display: Endpoint '2' produced activity '12': Iulian locked floor_concrete1431_0 in /Game/Bunker/Maps/Bunker.
[2021.03.13-09.55.15:528][998]LogConcert: Display: Endpoint '2' produced activity '13': Iulian created floor_concrete1647 in /Game/Bunker/Maps/Bunker.
[2021.03.13-09.55.15:529][998]LogConcert: Display: Endpoint '2' produced activity '14': Iulian unlocked floor_concrete1431_0 in /Game/Bunker/Maps/Bunker.

You can see here that we both create objects with the same name. Has anyone here encountered this problem and knows a solution?
