UE4 missing foreign characters inside texts from Datatable ...SOLVED

some special language fonts or characters missing in eu4 when I feed the variable from text from a datatable with foreign characters

the character set of the datatable is “Western Europe (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1)”
Unreal Engine UMG font: Roboto

These special charatcers do not appear in the game:
Spanish word with a tilde = frío
German word with umlaut = kühl

how can I fix this foreign language character issue?
However when I simply set a text inside the user interface widget blueprint (just text, not a variable, not biding), the text works fine, the problem only happen when I use text from a data table.

this is how the user interface looks, as you can see, instead of the foreign character , the “?” question mark is displayed

text ->user interface = kühl
database → variable ->set text ->user interface = k?hl

I, as a german, got no problems with äÄöÖüÜß…
I think it depends on the Font you import and use in your Texts…

tried characters with tilde (since that type of chars is common in RPG namings), worked, too…

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it is roboto, it works fine until I start using words from data tables, I changed the font and have the same result.

1 uploaded the .CSV file to google spreadsheets
2 download the .csv file from google spreadsheets
3 reimport the data table with the new file