Sorry wrong file. Here’s the log:
System Specs:
Windows 10 Pro
Nvidia GTX 1070 (446.14 driver)
Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU @2.80GHz
So I’ve been having this problem for a few days now. Whenever I open up the folder I store all my audio files in the engine crashes after about 20 seconds. I only have four audio files, all .wav, in this folder. Any help with this problem would really be appreciated.
The crash log can be found here if that helps: UE4CrashLog - Google Drive
Hello, I think to help you out, I need some more info.
“Whenever I open up the folder I store my audio files in the engine” You mean in the content browser, within UE4? Do mean opening up the folder where you have the assets in the OS?
Assuming you mean the content browser, how did you import the files? What format are they (e.g. bit-depth, sample rate, channels)? Can you open up content browser folders of any other audio assets?
The log did not help as there is no callstack nor anything in the log to indicate what is causing the crash. Do you have a crash dump or callstack?
Sorry I’m kind of new to this part of Unreal. What I posted was the minidump.dmp file. Is there some other crash dump file saved somewhere else?
Oh wait sorry here it is: UE4Minidump.dmp - Google Drive
It looks like my replies keep getting removed for some reason. So I updated the drive file to contain all of the files in my crash folder including the minidump, log and the crashcontent files. Is there some other crash dump file you would need?
Don’t worry, it’s just automoderation as you are new user, you posts will be approved over time and once you gain more karma you won’t need to thru this process
Well that’s embarrassing… Sorry for the spam
the log says it’s in your trash… can’t look at it.
Sorry about the insane amount of responses. I thought they were getting deleted so I just modified the original drive link with a zip file that includes the whole crash folder.