UE4 install location on MacOS

Where are UE installs on MacOS?

When I use Quixel Bridge to set the plugin file path to UE, I can use the file navigator in Bridge to find the UE plugins folder, and set it fine.

But if I try to go look for the UE plugins folder using the standard MacOS file system, I cannot find the plugins folder, and I cant even find the UE installs themselves.

Best I can find is “Games/Epic-Games/Fortnight” (and this is along the same file path as is set in Quixel).

So I know it is there, or somewhere.

I used the terminal to show any hidden files across my entire system, and still it cannot be found.
( defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
killall Finder)

This seems very strange, as I’ve never had anything like this happen in MacOS before. Why can’t I find the UE installs in my file navigator?

I’m on MacOS 11.6, using UE 4.27.2


I happened to find an alias on my desktop (I may have made it when I first installed UE) that links to the UE_4.27 folder, so I can access the UE file directory now. I still do not understand why I’m not able to navigate to and see the UE file directly like I would normally … that seems very unusual.

Is this normal for other MacOS users?

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I’m having the same problem. The damned UE5 is taking space in my HD but I can’t find the folder with it. It’s 54 gig! I’m on Macbook Pro M2, can’t get rid of the ■■■■ program.

The Epic Games Launcher shows it as installed but it is impossible to figure out where.

Does any one is this crazy company has a solution for it. They don’t really have customer service. Even if I’m willing to pay for it, they send me to a site where you have to sign up for some “developer program”. I’m not interested in becoming a “developer”.