UE4 Infiltrator Demo for 4.10 - looking for someone who still have this project and can share/upload


I ve found that its quite hard to find this one nowdays.

Looking for someone who still have this project and can share/upload. Version 4.10.
This would be awesome guys.

You aren’t allowed to share Epic content outside of the launcher, But it’s not necessary, when you want to download a different version of a project you can choose what version from the ones available. I believe Infiltrator goes from 4.11 back to like 4.4 or something.

Hello darthviper107, right now I ve 2 available version in UE4: 4.11 and 4.12 :frowning:
And 4.10 is more stable, thats why I don’t want to mess with latest builds atm. Its quite strange that they cut off older versions. And because of the rule you have mentioned I think its now not even possible. Eh…

Even @ the market it says:
Supported Engine Versions4.11 - 4.12 for this demo.