UE4 in education

Hey all,

I’ve recently started as a game development teacher at a local (community?) college (I’m not sure how it stacks up against international educational levels. Having no real experience with Unreal, more with Unity and Game Maker and other (semi) OO-based programming and scripting tools I have however been tasked to instruct the students in using UE4.

My intention is to start of with BP and slowly work my way towards C++. Unfortunately there’s hardly any, if any at all, material to be found for such a purpose. Pretty much everything seems aimed at self-learning.

I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions as to which (small) assignments I could conjure up for my students so they can gradually work their way into UE4.

Please note, they have had half a year of experience working in Unity.

Thanks in advance,

What have they created in Unity? How long will they be working with UE4?

I’ll be teaching first and second year students both.

First year students have made a platformer and a FPS game.

Second year students have made those, a Tower Defense game, a race game and have had several AI-related assignments working with C# unity scripting.

Both years will have somewhere around 10 hours of class from me weekly.

I myself was thinking about a room-escape kinda game for the first year students. Starting out with the workings of the editor, layout of the room/house and quickly switching it up to BPs.

I would look for something that uses parts of UE4 that has no direct counterpart in Unity, like the material editor, blackboards or Sequencer.