UE4 - How to make a flying vehicle to smoothly point to mouse location & use it as direction?

Hi, i created a flying vehicle and it rotated with my mouse (mouse was hidden)… BUT i canot choose targets easy unless they are centered to my “target” wich is a UI with a target image at the center, so i want to redo all my controls in order to use my mouse free at the screen, not centered and still use it as direction to my ship.

What I want is: move my mouse freely and make my vehicle smoothly rotate towars my mouse location at the screen, this way if i move my mouse to the right, the tip of my ship Will turn to point (align) to that direction, how can i rotate my ship smoothly to my mouse location? like follow my mouse? then if i press up button my ship is going to move forward to my mouse direction since my ship and mouse are aligned.

Please, please! help with BP images.