UE4_HeroTPP Animation Issues ((Help))

I noticed that you don’t set Enable Jump to false when you press the jump button. Why is that?

No, from Jump to Idle is just Jump_From_Stand Asset <= .1. Idle to Jump is the one to change, Enable Jump Not.

I’m not sure what you mean.

And like this for Jump?

That code is getting quite confusing. My suggestion would be to create a variable called Is Jumping in the character. Set Is Jumping to true when you press the jump button. On the animation blueprint in the event graph set the Jumping variable to be the value with Is Jumping from the character. On the idle to Jump transition use Is Jumping as the transition rule. AnimNotify Idle Start you set the character Is Jumping to false.

Okay so after adding this, I now get the Jump anim from idle and running. Although the running one plays the Jump anim and then while still in air returns to walking. might just be their animation for that.

But I do appreciate the help. I’m happy the jump anim is playing finally. Thanks a lot…