UE4 Game Developers Club on Facebook

Hey guys I am a professional games developer with over 30 games to my credit and I run the UE4 Game Developers club on Facebook, which is another source of help with UE4 its not one of those hey check my game out groups and that kind of activity is banned its purely for helping each other during the game development process. If your interested come and join in

This is great! Just went and joined the group. We’ll give a shout out on today’s Twitch stream and also on the Unreal Engine Facebook.

We really appreciate you setting up this resource for the community.

It’s probably worth noting that there’s another Facebook group here: Let's Keep the Facebook Community Growing. Unreal Engine 4 Developers Community. - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums

I’ve joined, anyhow.

Thanks for your support, yes i know there is another UE4 community on Facebook however where we differ is that we are here to offer help to UE4 users and there is a blanket ban on people posting here is my game, like my page, support my kick starter posts when tend to ruin any community. We do have a work in progress section so members can update the community of how their game is going.