UE4 - Forest environment 'Green Arc' Final tuned

Hello! :slight_smile:

The scene I was working on the most recent was final tuned :slight_smile:

Iโ€™m sorry for what I can not answer kindly
My English Wrighting skills are not good T.T

I want your advice and opinions :slight_smile:

Spend a wonderful day :slight_smile:

This is good!

Looking really nice now! Could you possibly share with us your leaf material? Or are you using vertex normals shooting from the center for the uniform better lighting of the leaves?

Beyond creating just another forest scene, youโ€™ve created a cool, damp, shadowy and mysterious place that would easily immerses a player/viewer experiencing this as a virtual environment.

As an aspiring environment designer this is really inspiring.

killer work again , itโ€™s beautiful

The texture work on the rocks and grass looks very nice. The water looks pretty realistic too!

It has a nice enchanted feel to it, great job!

1 word : Stunning :smiley:

Thanks to your comment :slight_smile:

had to be adjusted to the vertex normals in the form of a tree. :slight_smile:

I refer to this article during the production of the grass material. :slight_smile:

Thank you for telling detail and understanding about the feeling that i was trying to express :slight_smile:

Thanks for your comment :slight_smile:

Thank you for your undeserved praise :slight_smile:

I will work harder :slight_smile:

Thanks to your comment :slight_smile:

Your comment will be a great support to me :slight_smile:

I tried to feel the damp moss on stone :slight_smile:

Thanks to your comment Lazy:)

Thanks for your huge praise :slight_smile:

Thank you for a evaluation of my work :slight_smile:

Well, it would be even better if you can make a flyby video so we can really live the scene :smiley:

Hearing wind, birds, water, natural sounds would be awesome !