Hi, i am making simple Multiplayer system by use EOS subsystem. In Game instance I attempt to login by launching Account portal. I get pop up and login i start to show online in launcher(seen on other account in different pc.). Now this mean i have log in successfully but OnLogInCompleteDelegates never fire. also If i try to make/Create Session{By blueprint call in widget}. It Simply error out that i am not log in.
Main Function is login very very basic funtion. code is download below.
also funtion never made stomp call or if it is made it received Stomp conection closed. So no backend support also.
What am i doing Wrong
No compiling error too.
void UGameinstance_EOS::Login()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Login Atemp"));
if (OnlineSubsystem) {
if (IOnlineIdentityPtr Identity = OnlineSubsystem->GetIdentityInterface())
FOnlineAccountCredentials Credentials;
Credentials.Id = FString();
Credentials.Token = FString();
Credentials.Type = FString("accountportal");
Identity->OnLoginCompleteDelegates->AddUObject(this, &UGameinstance_EOS::OnLoginComplete);
Identity->Login(0, Credentials);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("\n -------\n ---------\nLogin Atemp identity ptr"));
void UGameinstance_EOS::OnLoginComplete(int32 LocalUserNum, bool bWasSuccessfull, const FUniqueNetId& UserId, const FString& Error)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT(“LoggedIn: %d”), bWasSuccessfull);
if (OnlineSubsystem) {
if (IOnlineIdentityPtr Identity = OnlineSubsystem->GetIdentityInterface())