UE4 energy impact macBook Pro Not Charging

Hi All, about 3 weeks ago i purchased a new macbook Pro primeraly to work on UE4, Apart from the occasional crash the engine was running quite well until yesterday after the luncher update (probably lust a coincedence).
Now when the engine is running even the simplest task like a new mobile project the battery in the macbook will not charge and the battery is still being drained when plugged in running on power.
In the Activity Monitor of the OS the Average Energy Impact of the engine is 105
the Average Energy Impact when using Blender to create animations is 4.65
MacBook Pro i7 2.8, 16 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, GT 750M Yosemite
UE4 Binary 4.5.1

Please respond to this issue ASAP as i feel that this is damaging my battery, Power supply and macbook

please comment if you also have this issue


More info: to note as it is an issue with the engine and not a fault with my hardware.
This morning i have been responding to emails, posting this question browsing safari and a little work on Blender just running on battery and started fully charged at 100% after 2 hours it is at 86% as expected.
Also since i fist posted this question i have had the UE4 Launcher running in the background (not the engine) so the launcher does not apear to be the problem.

Ha funny, it too me a while to realise that my wife had taken my macbook pro charger to work by mistake and left me with her inadequate Macbook Air charger.
My apologies if this has wasted anyones time looking into this matter.