I am experiencing constant crashing of the UE4 Editor whenever I either Build my code in Visual Studio, or click the Compile button in the UE4 Editor. Even the smallest change to the code like changing SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(0, 0, 90)) to SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(0, 90, 0)) can cause the editor to crash.
I somewhat understand that the editor can crash when there is a null pointer exception, but this is not the case. (Though I kind of hoped that the editor would be able to catch coding errors and report them to the user, rather than just completely crashing…)
I can restart the editor, and the code changes I made will have successfully been applied to the project and the editor will function as normal after the restart (until I compile the code again).
Is there an issue in 4.10.4 that causes the editor to just occasionally crash on compile? Or is there something else I should be doing to prevent the editor from crashing?