UE4 does not install on my Windows 7 PC

Here are some computer data. - it has DirectX11.
Also installed Visual Studio 2015. Trying to install Unreal Engine 4.10.1
Can you help pinpointing the missing capabilities!

Number Of Processor Packages (Physical): 1
Number Of Processors Cores: 2
Number Of Logical Processors: 4

Computer Brand Name: Hewlett-Packard HP Compaq 8100 Elite CMT PC
Motherboard Model: Hewlett-Packard 304Bh
Motherboard Chipset: Intel Q57 (IbexPeak DO)
Motherboard Slots: 3xPCI, 2xPCI Express x1, 1xPCI Express x4, 2xPCI Express x16
PCI Express Version Supported: v2.0

Total Memory Size: 4 GBytes
Video Chipset: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610

Hi hankxx,

Try the troubleshooting steps in this section of the troubleshooting guide.

If nothing works, follow the steps here to generate your Debug Logs. Post them here, along with your Dxdiag/system specs.

Could you please clarify if you are having trouble installing the launcher or installing the UE4 editor after installing the launcher.

Hi hankxx,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that I mentioned above then post back here with the requested info.