Here are some computer data. - it has DirectX11.
Also installed Visual Studio 2015. Trying to install Unreal Engine 4.10.1
Can you help pinpointing the missing capabilities!
Number Of Processor Packages (Physical): 1
Number Of Processors Cores: 2
Number Of Logical Processors: 4
Computer Brand Name: Hewlett-Packard HP Compaq 8100 Elite CMT PC
Motherboard Model: Hewlett-Packard 304Bh
Motherboard Chipset: Intel Q57 (IbexPeak DO)
Motherboard Slots: 3xPCI, 2xPCI Express x1, 1xPCI Express x4, 2xPCI Express x16
PCI Express Version Supported: v2.0
Total Memory Size: 4 GBytes
Video Chipset: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610