I don’t understand why the UE4 use the SteamVR plugin for my DK2 hardware. I trace through the C++ code and see the code path is using SteamVR function instead Oculus. Also, if I disable SteamVR plugin in the virtual reality plugin page (while leaving Oculus plugin enabled), I will get an error and cannot use the VR preview mode. I have followed the instruction to install the Oculus runtime, what should I do?
nachiau, is there a reason you care what underlying SDK is being used to handle your DK2 as long as it works? Also, are you able to upgrade to a more recent version of UE4? There have been some significant changes made to the way the VR tracking model works that applies to all headsets.
The reason I care is that many of the API call have a lot of issue, which means it is kind of work but have an odd behavior. For example, when I try to call SetBaseRotationAndBaseOffsetInMeter(), the system basically ignore the called since it is using SteamVR API