I heard that the built-in dedicated server of UE4 isn’t really capable of running an MMO.
So my question … is there a way to improve the server? or build my own?
It’s not the first time I would write a server, but I have no clue how to answer UE4s RPC calls, also due to the fact that I don’t use C++ (just blueprints).
You will need to write your own server for an MMO. Also if you write your own server you will need some sort of programming language. There is already plenty of questions like yours in the forums and ue4 answerHub.
Normally I program everything in Delphi. Could you link me please to one of those threads? I tried to find something that tells me how to answer a RPC call, but couldn’t find anything…
All threads are for C++ and a lot of those within the engine. I still couldn’t find anything to the topic: If I have a variable, it’s replicated. What has the server to do, in what format will the call come?
in short , if you use the UE4 networking all you need to do is tag your variables with the appropriate property and unreal will take care of replication for you.
There is also a nice simple example in the documentation about replicating a characters health. That should give you all the clues on how to use it in C++ or blueprint. Hope that helps.
Based on your questions I would heavily suggest you try to do a simpler MP project first to understand the basics.
Thanks for the answer, I already know that site and read it through, but unfortunately it doesn’t help me a lot. I guess I will have to try a lot until I find a way this will work.
I have looked through most of the sites now and maybe I am now able to explain the problem a little bit better:
The documentation tells you how an RPC call has to look like and the function, but nobody tells you what the server itself has to do. It is far not that easy to even send or receive a RPCall.
My first attempt was to set up an UDP Server; well it worked, it received data and so on, but nobody knows what to do with that data.
Then I thought about it that not every RPCall is done by UDP because in some cases you have to know if the package arrived, in this case you need TCP.
The next thought was that the server shall be written in connection with the engine code, but I gave up on this suspicion, due to that I had no clue what to do.
And now I worked out a concept that will work with the built-in server, but I still want to find a solution to this.