UE4 Crashing...possibly a Windows Anti-Virus Issue?

Hey there.

I’ve been unable to run my UE4 on my computer for a few weeks. The game we are working on works on my partners computer, but not mine. When it freezes, I don’t get a crash report because the program fully freezes up. For the first time in weeks, I got it to run once I added UE4 as an exclusion in Windows Anti-Virus Software. I was able to hit play and stop several times with no issues, until I restarted UE4, and now it doesn’t work again.

I’ve tried taking it off as an exclusion on the anti-virus software and re-doing it…no luck. Is it possible I just got lucky that it was working? Has anyone else had issues with freezing that was related to Windows Anti-Virus? Any sustained workarounds?
