I’m using trying to use the dk2 in ue4 for the first time. When I launch UE4 with the Oculus Rift on (yellow light) it crashes. When I turn the Rift off UE4 starts up perfectly. If i turn the Rift back On and hit “Launch” it fails to launch the application. These are the errors it’s feeding me. I’ve seen this question come up before and a fix has never been posted.
There are a couple of questions I would like to ask to help us investigate this crash. Which version of the engine are you working on? Also, what are the current runtime and framework versions you’re using for the Oculus?
DK2 with UE 4.6 don’t want to start editor if DK2 is power on.
If I switch it off, it starts and if I switch on after UE start, Game don’t start and crash.
Nvidia driver is up to date, same for Oculus Runtime (0.4.4), Oculus UE plugin is enabled and I’m on Direct HMD mode.
Does the crash also occur if you switch from Direct HMD to Extend Desktop mode? Also if you could supply your logs as described above it will help us see what exactly is happening.
You should be able to save the log as a .txt file and then upload it. Additionally, which version of the engine are you seeing this with and do you see the same thing with other versions?
Are you using the Github source version of the engine or are you opening the binary version from the launcher? Also, how far into the process of launching the editor are you able to get with the Oculus on? Does the crash happen when launching a project or when pressing the launch button from the Launcher? Additionally, could you turn off the Oculus and open the editor. Once the editor opens go to Help->About Unreal Engine and get the changelist number from the top right of the pop-up window?
I’m using the binaries.
I get the error after 1 or 2 seconds after clicking on Play. Not on launching the editor.
The number is :4.6.1-2386410+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.6
Thank you for all the information provided. I have logged this crash as UE-9316 on our internal tracking database for further investigation. Let us know if you have any other problems or can think of any other information regarding this issue.
I’m having the exact same problem DX11 problem in UE4.7 final… even after the post-release UE4.7 update that came out today. As soon as I click on anything after the editor loads, it crashed. I have an original Titan running on my desktop machine.
I am able to run the editor under the rift in Extended Desktop mode, however.
Are you crashing specifically when trying to Play? Make sure you are on the latest Oculus runtime (0.4.4) and that your video drivers are up to date. If your crash is happening at times other than when pressing the Play button then it may be a related yet different issue. If that is the case it would be best if you created a new post in order to monitor and support the issues separately as well as make searching for separate issues easier in the future.
I am having the same issue with Oculus Rift DK2. If it is powered on when attempting to launch the 4.7.3 editor it crashes and wants the user to give a report (nice). If you turn it off you can get the editor to launch, and your project, but I could never get the display to actually work (power indicator displays orange saying no video signal).
For now I have to use the “Extend Desktop to the HMD” display mode in the “Rift Display Mode” options, most have to orient their display to be horizontal, and then everything works correctly but just not ideal. Hopefully this issue can be resolved soon so that we can use the Direct HMD display mode.
Are you running on a laptop or desktop? If you have dual graphics cards does the crash occur when using either card or only when running a specific card? Also, could you post your DXDiag for additional information?
Tenia el mismo problema y he encontrado la solución (Al menos para mi caso).
Dirigirse a C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Binaries\Win64 y establecer compatibilidad para Windows 7 en el ejecutable UE4Editor.exe
Asegurarse de que UE4Editor.exe se ejecuta con el procesador de alto rendimiento (Control de panel NVIDIA).
ESO ES TODO¡¡¡ Después de hacer mil pruebas y leer mil foros es lo que ha funcionado¡¡¡¡
Hello everyone. (Sorry for my english, i´m spanish).
I had the same problem and the solution I found (at least for me).
Approach ** C: \ Program Files \ Epic Games \ 4.7 \ Engine \ Binaries \ Win64 ** and establish compatible with Windows 7 in the executable UE4Editor.exe
Ensure that UE4Editor.exe running with high performance processor (NVIDIA Control panel).
THAT’S ALL¡¡¡ After making thousand tests and thousand forums only that is worked¡¡¡