enable dx12 and ray tracing and skin cache. download the grass with ID uddmcgbia in resolution (2k) in quixel bridge and send it to recent ue4 version. after some seconds ue4 says vram overload and ue4 closes. https://i.imgur.com/Qp4odAI.png
I also have this problem, and I also have 3700X, 2070super, 32gRam.
Importing the “Speargrass” through Quixel Bridge causes all 16Gig of “Shared video memory” to be rapidly used and then crashes before the import is finished. This happens with an empty project as well.
I have found 2 workarounds.
importing only LOD01
Switching to DX11
both of these things cause negligible to no increase in vram usage while importing, but hopefully this is fixed at some point because they are both annoying workarounds.
I am using the latest Nvidia studio drivers, and ue4.25.3