UE4 crashes very often, within a few minutes. There is no specific reason for this. It happens during any different things, like moving objects or pressing a button. It also crashes when I do nothing. I can build the light without any problems. I currently use 4.17, but had the same problem under 4.14. The versions in between I have not yet tested. It crashes without any crash report, so windows shuts it down immediately, with the message, that the program is not running properly. It is also not about special or large projects. The problems also occur with empty levels or template levels.
Im using windows 10 with an i7-6700HQ, 16GB Ram and a GTX 960M. I have installed the newest video card driver. I hope you can help me. Best regards.
Could you please give more information? Does this happen while playing? Did you tried to package the build and test it? If the answer is affirmative, does it crash?
Thanks for the fast reply. Its crashing in the editor window and when I play in the editor window. I would say the frequency in the play mode is not that high as in editor mode. I tried to package it, but the packaging failed with an unknown error.
Okay, I think I figured it out, maybe it could help some other people. To work with 3 monitors I had to install some USB to VGA driver and I think this driver causes the crashes. Since I disabled it the program is much more stable, so I had no Crash for over an hour now. Hopefully this was the problem.