UE4 Complex road intersections using splines

Hi, so I’m new a fresh meatbag in the space of Unreal Engine and Game Engines in general. I’m looking at recreating my hometown pseudo accurately to real life. I have run into an issue with using UE4’s landscape splines for my roads as they do not handle intersections…like at all. but i still want to use it or something similar to ease workflow.

So my question is that I want to replace the intersection area with a prebuilt model how could I go about doing that. is it really just create the modeland try to align it with the splines the best that I can? is there some tool that exists and I don’t know about that would help me? I’ve done a lot of Googling for answers and found no answers to my pleas, most of these road generator plugins are not designed for inner city style street complexity.

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For more context, I do not know what I’m doing, I found a way to make roads in UE, if this is the completely wrong way to approach this problem, having someone point me in the right direction will also be a huge benefit to me.

I would like to avoid hand making every piece of road but from what I can find online this is my only option.

Just come across this because I have a similar question. Don’t know if you ever found a solutions, but one possibility would be to look at Houdini for creating your road network. This is how they did it in the Matrix Awakens demo for UE5.
Unreal Engine - Matrix Awakens: Generating A World
This is an hour long presentation from Epic/Unreal but the section on the road layout begins around 7m 48s in.

Any way to do it in run time?