UE4 Blueprints how to use Inheritance

I have 3 levels where the player collects coins.
To move to another level, you need to fulfill the condition of collecting a certain number of coins.
Transitions through levels are made using blueprint BP_NextLvl, from which child_actors are created for each level.
At the end of the third level there is a transition to the Victory level, but to get there, in addition to collecting coins, you also need to press a button.
Question: how to do this without rewriting all the code, but using inheritance?
The logic for moving to a level is created through OnComponentBeginOverlap.



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Well…thanks, but I’m using OnComponentBeginOverlap and it doesn’t have Parent Node.
What am I doing wrong? :roll_eyes:

You can’t do this with OnComponentBeginOverlap.

But don’t worry ActorBeginOverlap is the same thing.

  • in the parent:


It’s a matter of adding a custom event / function.

  • in the child:



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