Hello, I’m doing a game, I want a random number of doors (out of 6) in a row to be opened randomly (2 of them) and the others to be closed. In this, I want to disable the physics of my actor and the physics of the randomly selected ones to work. I wrote this to the Levelin blueprint. But I make mistakes === [(Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item”. Blueprint: DoorGame — Function: Execute Ubergraph Door Game — Graph: Event Graph — Node Set Simulate Physics)] [(Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None”. Blueprint: DoorGame — Function: Execute Ubergraph Door Game — Graph: Event Graph — Node Set Simulate Physics)] Please help. * Note * I’m doing something like Fall Guys Door System …
This is my game view.!
[alt text][1]
This is the error list I got when I stopped the game.
This is my door integer.
In these, my gate row is 6 gates representing a number - a region, and a random gate is chosen from that region. And these are the list that will tell you what I did.
This Others shows what I did in my level blueprint.