First of all, this asset would not work in UE5. Then
After installing chaos plugin on UE5, all cars appeared. I can get in the car. All parts of the car are working. But the car doesn’t move in UE5. It moves in UE4 but not in UE5.
You want to open the car blueprint and check if there are warning messages. Also, verify if the vehicle movement component is referencing the “chaos vehicle movement component” or the legacy PhysX component (wheeled vehicle movement component 4W).
It may be necessary to change the “parent” class" in the class settings panel to “chaos vehicle”. Then rewiring the nodes should do the work. I’m way from my computer now, so I can’t check accurately for the names.
In case you don’t want to do any setup, just enable the legacy plugin PhysX Vehicles, which is disabled by default in UE5, it won’t be a problem because Chaos plugin is still in Beta.
If you right click on Vehicle Movement component and select find references, you’ll see a list of variables that need to be replaced by the Chaos Vehicle Component in the Blueprint editor.
In case you want to convert your PhysX car into Chaos, change the parent class from Wheeled Vehicle to Wheeled Vehicle Pawn and manually replace the variables with reference errors. Later you’ll need to change the wheels blueprint and a few animation blueprint nodes.
open your move forward car logic and print string at the end of the logic Success logic, run the game and press forward key when you are in the car so if you get the message on the screen Success logic then you have problem with the car collisions or class parantation.
So, the best alternative is just enabling the PhysX plugin and use the legacy vehicle system. If you can ask the developer about the next update to UE5.0, perhaps you can have an idea by when this update will be released.