UE4 AnswerHub mods are bugged


This post is half true, half troll.
I think the mods on this forum are broken in some way.

When I post a new question, it’s marked as “Awaiting for moderator confirmation”. So I guess this process is designed to handle spam.

However, half of my “Question you may answered” are spam and the answer hub is getting spammed more and more everyday by empty post and movie links.

So EPIC, please fix.

Best regards.

Hi Joris.

I’m sorry that the moderation system is causing you grief. It’s a difficult balance between blocking the spammers and not blocking legitimate posts. Obviously its not perfect, but I promise you it catches far more spam than it lets slip through, and if we turned it off this site would be flooded with hundreds of extra per day.

We are regularly updating the filters to improve what they catch. Thanks for the feedback.

I’m just wondering why the hell do people spam here ? What is the point of doing it here while there are some way more used plateform like stack overflow.

Oh, and even if I would like to, I don’t speak Chinese neither. My “Question you may answer” bot seems to think I do though :D.

Anyway keep the good work !

For the “Questions you may Answer” notifications, take a look at your Settings > Expertise Settings page. You can manage the topics that are flagged for this.
