UE4, Android, NVIDIA CodeWorks and Visual studio compatibility issues

Hey guys,
Experienced UE4 dev looking for some clarification on Android development. The docs are all over the place on this and I’m hoping someone at epic can respond to this with a clear answer. I’ve used UE4 for PC and console dev extensively but no mobile experience till now. I’m looking at Android specifically and I’m aware of the dependency of UE4 on NVIDIA CodeWorks for Android development. A lot of documentation I read states that Codeworks is only compatible up to VS 2013 is this accurate? can I use VS 2015 or 2017 somehow? Is it just the case (which I have read elsewhere) that I can just update the android SDK and NDK after downloading Codeworks and a newer version of visual studio will still work with Android? A brief description on how the various third party dependencies, SDK/NDKs and UE4 are entwined on this particular platform would be super useful.

Codeworks for Android 1r6u1 in the Engine/Extras/AndroidWorks directory is all you need to install. The only part that interacts with Visual Studio is Nsight debugger; you don’t need this unless you want to do debugging through Visual Studio. You do not need to update anything for it to work if you use this installer.

The issue is with codeworks release 7 and before published, the software incredibuild is causing the issue you can do a workaround using an unsupported approach https://www.incredibuild.com I think “as I’m not an employee of Epic games” and just download the latest release of the software from there, this solved my VS 2017 issue