UE4 Actor constructor

So i Wanted an actor class to contain another actor , so i have 2 actors one called Aapples and ATree.

Aapples is just a actor generated code by editor.

Atree code here it is :

#include "apple.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "Tree.generated.h"
class ATree : public AActor

	Aapple apples[100]


this generates this error : `Error 1 error : In Tree: Missing ‘*’ in Expected a pointer type

So i replaced it with pointers to object so later i can initalize them in my code so i changed it to :
Aapple* apples[100]

But i dont know how to initalize apples in the code i tried this in Tree.cpp :
in middle of code:
apple[0] = new Aapple();

ofcourse there is no constructor with this arguments as all actor constructors are like this :

  Aapple::Aapple(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
    	: Super(PCIP)

So i tried this
apples[0]= new Aapple(PCIP);
but PCIP is not defiend , so how do i initalize an acotr class ?

apples[0] = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(AApple::StaticClass());
Also, make sue you call that in BeginPlay() and not the constructor, because the world will not be valid in the constructor and crash.

Thanks!! James