UE4.7 released.. what I would like to see in UE 4.8

From the Trello Roadmap:


  • DX12 Support (This needs to happen ASAP!!!)
  • Automated Grass Placement
  • Material layer LOD
  • Frame Pacing


  • Low Poly collision mesh support
  • BodyInstance and PhysicsVolume gravity settings


  • Blending support


  • Inheritable blueprint components


  • Navmesh on moving platforms
  • Character AI module


  • Classes in Content Browser
  • Asset Packs


  • Patching Support


  • VR Project Settings


  • ServerReplicateActors refactor


  • Sound Cue Instancing

There’s a few more things in the other sections, but I would also like to add:

  • Gamepad bindings “Hold button”… for example, hold Left shoulder button and press Right Trigger button; currently, the only hold option is for keyboard. VR user’s cannot see keyboard.
  • Windows 10 support for both editor and built game
  • Installable plugin support to help alleviate the need for merging separate github branches
  • Ability to connect to a MySQL or SQL database and execute SQL commands using blueprints
  • PrioVR support
  • Official STEM controller support (hydra not so much as it has been discontinued)
  • My kingdom for voice recognition (lol)

I think that’s the most unimportant thing. How many people have Windows 10? Right, no one, it’s not even out yet, except the preview. If Steam Stats say that more than 20% of the gamers own a DX12 compatible PC, then I would call it “important” to get integrated into UE4. But its still 1 or 2 years until that point is reached.

Edit: Rewrited everything :smiley:

It’s always been in engine

You can run editor and build game on Windows 10 (I’m on W10)

You can send application to Microsoft and get access to DX12 + UE4

It’s in 4.7

It’s in 4.7 too

Ah, didn’t realize that the stuff I requested that was in 4.7 was in there, as it’s still on the trello, and I haven’t had the chance yet to explore 4.7 myself, embarrassingly enough.

As far as DX12 support, I’ve sent an application, the day it was announced, and I have heard… nothing back. As far as DX12 being “unimportant”, I just don’t know what to say… considering that Windows 7 and Windows 8 users will all have Windows 10 (free upgrade for the first year Win10 is released, as per Microsoft) when it is released, and as such, DX12 is built into Windows 10… soo… umm… huh? Not important? Maybe not right now, but the projects I’m trying to, or rather, wanting to work on, won’t be released over night. Release of these will occur ~ Win10 release.

With all of that being said, I suppose that I have one additional request for Epic… update the Trello >.<

I and many other people I know will not upgrade to Windows 10… I will stay at Windows 7 as long as Microsoft does not stop to release bad Windows versions. Windows 8 and 8.1 is horrible to use and Windows 10 is not really better. Windows 8 also was very very cheap at release (25$ is I remember correctly) and still most people just stayed at Windows 7.

You’re wrong with your assumption that DX12 support is being “unimportant”. Why do you even think so? It have high priority in Trello, it’s updating constantly and Epic works with Microsoft pretty actively on this. At GDC you will see a lot of UE4DX12 stuff, you can even participate in quick start challenge And I think this event is possible because DX12 support in UE4 is pretty solid already :wink:

This, needed very much.

Ecosystem paint tools! (or what ever they’re going to call it now that they’re heading a “different direction”)

I’d like to see massive work done on mobile optimization for 4.8. I can tweak many thing get it ok for early development, but I think there is still much that can be done in that space. Sure, many people here are targeting dedktop, but getting as much performance out of these lower end platforms (current higher end mobiles) provides net gain for everyone. Just my wishes :wink:

Please fix this problem Epic: