i followed a few tutorials, and they told me to make a new blueprint interface, but when i right click in the blueprints folder, the option isn’t there.
I guess you’re looking it in miscellanous. Now you’ll find that like this:
Right click on content browser → blueprints(second option Under Create Advanced Asset) → Blueprint Interface
You don’t even need to do that on the Blueprints folder, that’s just a folder really.
Thank you very much for answering my question! I am sorry i did not resolve this i while ago when i figured it out. the answer that i came up with (though yours worked too) is when you right click on the content browser and there is no “user interface” you just use your mouse scroll wheel and scroll down in the popup! there it is, along with misc. just where its supposed to be. i had this error on my laptop, not my all-in-one.