I have to Build program first manually, and only after that i can press Local Windows Debugger, otherwise it is not rebuild and not launch.
100% bug.
I have to Build program first manually, and only after that i can press Local Windows Debugger, otherwise it is not rebuild and not launch.
100% bug.
Hi newbprofi,
I tried to reproduce the issue that you described in 4.5.1, but was unable to do so. I have some clarification questions for you.
When i am trying to reproduce this now, i cant, and everything is compiled fine when i change code and click “Local Windows Debugger”, so i think the bug is hiding (not easy to reproduce). From this moment i will try to use “Local Windows Debugger” button, and if i see this bug again i will tell u more details.
PS: sry, didnt expect that its hard to reproduce. I wasnt use straightly “Local Windows Debugger” button from that moment, until now. I used instead “RMB MyProgram->Build”, and only then click “Local Windows Debugger”. But now i will use straightly “Local Windows Debugger” button, if i see bug again, i will tell.
Hi newbprofi,
I am glad to hear that this issue seems to have stopped occurring. If it pops up again, please let us know. I did want to double-check one thing, though. You mentioned that you do not see a pop-up window in Visual Studio when you click the Local Windows Debugger button. So you are not seeing this prompt at all?
yes, i didnt see this. Otherwise that would be too simple. But anyway, i am used to use RMB + Build, because now i often only compile, instead of compile+run. I tryed to use Local Windows Debugger button for recompile+run couple of times, everything seems fine.