(I have obtained from github following files: Optional.zip Required_1of2.zip Required_2of2.zip UnrealEngine-4.4.0-release.zip.
I unpack them into one folder. Further, I follow the instructions in the file README.md: run GenerateProjectFiles.bat;
launch visual studio and open UE4.sln;
configuration is set to Development Editor and platform Win64;
additionally I build UnrealFrontend;);
After compilation i launch UE4Editor.
Then create a project, for example on the basis of ShooterGame.
Then I launch UnrealFrontend
In it I choose current project with next parameters:
Build Configuration Development;
Build WindowsServer;
Do not cook;
Do not package;
Do not deploy;
Recompile (I actually launched the editor and was prompted to recompile)
Launch UnrealFrontend.exe from the source-built engine directory
Cook content for WindowsServer (after creating a custom profile under Game Launcher > Advanced)
After cooking, return to Visual Studio, set the Solution Configuration to Server, and build your project sln
There should be a Server.exe in /Unreal Projects/MyGame/Binaries//
I just went through the process of building a dedicated server from start to finish today. I’m planning to put together a little tutorial once I have a better understanding of how to do it. In the meantime, I hope this helps!
If you’re double clicking the binary [MyGame]Server.exe, it’s most likely starting in the background. Assuming you’re on Windows (and using the .exe), you could open a command prompt and check if the process is running with:
tasklist | findstr "[MyGame]Server"
That should show any running tasks whose name matches your server binary’s.
Lastly, I recommend starting the server from the command prompt with:
[MyGame]Server.exe -log
If you connect to it (via open from a client console, for example) and you don’t see anything, make sure you’ve set a default server map before packaging/cooking/building.