I was wondering how would I make several different static mesh arrays and combine them for one new static mesh? I am not sure how to go about it have been looking online, and I don’t see much on the issue.
Append node!
No matter how many times I read the append array node tooltip, I get confused and wire it in the wrong way round half the time
what is he trying to do is ‘merge’ all meshes into one and then assign to a static mesh component.
You must research for procedural meshes. There is where you can create/manipulate and modify meshes at runtime.
Hope it helps!
Me Again
I did a project example with exactly what you want to achieve. here is the file:
MeshMergeExample.rar (145.6 KB)
I created an actor with 5 static mesh components inside:
on begin play I create a procedural mesh, put all the components I want to merge into an array and then proccess them with this custom functions:
note the last function destroys the original mesh component so we are sure this test is working
I added a single function instead 1 function that calls other 3 functions in the case you want to just have 1 function instead 4:
here is the updated project:
MeshMergeExampleUpdated.rar (152.5 KB)
OMG thank you so much this is amazing!!