UE4 4.23 HTML packaging

Hello! I have started re-doing my project in 4.23 due to wanting HTML5 so I can put it on my website. I have packaged it into HTML5, not really sure what to do from there. Are there any guides on this?

Also, I did get a warning when packaging saying “…there is an asset bundle of 387MB…browsers may have trouble loading it.” I have barely put anything into this project yet. Wanted to test before I got too far. If this is too large, I’m going to have some huge issues.

When trying to open the HTML file, a web browser comes up with errors.
“Downloading failed:
HTTP error 404 on file MD_4_23_0_1.js
Try using a web server to avoid loading via a “file://” URL.”
“Running with IndexedDB access disabled.
Attempting to load the page via the “file://” protocol. This only works in Firefox, and even there only when not using compression, so attempting to load uncompressed assets. Please host the page on a web server and visit it via a “http://” URL.”

Does this only run on firefox?

Please share if you have fixed this issue? I am also facing this issue.

You have to deploy it on a web server rather than running locally from a file. If you use the ‘Go Live’ function of Visual Studio Code, it will deploy a local web server and you will be able to run it. I had the same issue and this worked for me.

P.S. the Go Live function is an extension called ‘Live Server’ that you can install from within Visual Studio Code.