UE4 4.22 RemoteRole not updated in server


I wonder if this is a bug or if I’m messing something. This is my configuration: Client and Dedicated Server.
If from server I posses a pawn and print Role and RemoteRole I get,

  • In Server: Role=Authority, RemoteRole=AutonomousProxy

  • In Client: Role=AutonomousProxy, RemoteRole=Authority

Then from the server I unposses the pawn and I Get,

  • In Server: Role=Authority, RemoteRole=AutonomousProxy
  • In Client: Role=SimulatedProxy, RemoteRole=Authority

So in server the remote role is not updated but it is in the client. I’m I missing something? This is my code for posses and unposses the pawn:

class ATestPawn
	UFUNCTION(Reliable, NetMulticast)
	void Board(ATestPawn* NewPawn);
	UFUNCTION(Reliable, NetMulticast)
	void UnBoard(ATestPawn* NewPawn);

void ATestPawn::Board_Implementation(ATestPawn* NewPawn)
	if (HasAuthority())

void ATestPawn::UnBoard_Implementation(ATestPawn* NewPawn)
	if (HasAuthority())

Have you finally solved this problem? I also encountered this issue in UE 5.2.1.
I saw this problem in 2018 https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/why-server-controlled-character-got-remote-role-autonomousproxy/437119/2