[UE4 4.22.3] Replay error with Streaming Levels

Hi all,

I’ve just made a replay system and it works on normal maps, but when I started using it on maps with levels that we’re streaming in I started to get error’s related to the streamed levels.

Here they are:

Error: Ensure condition failed: false [[Directory]\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\RepLayout.cpp] [Line: 2617]

Warning: ReceiveProperties_BackwardsCompatible_r: NetFieldExportGroup == nullptr. Owner: [MyLevel]_C, NetFieldExportHandle: 5

 Error: RepLayout->ReceiveProperties FAILED: [MyLevel]_C [Directory]/UEDPIE_0_[MyLevel].[MyLevel]:PersistentLevel.[MyLevel]_C_2
Warning: UActorChannel::ProcessBunch: Replicator.ReceivedBunch failed (Ignoring because of InternalAck). RepObj: [MyLevel]_C  [Directory]/UEDPIE_0_[MyLevel].[MyLevel]:PersistentLevel.[MyLevel]_C_2, Channel: 21

I’ve looked around and I haven’t seen this problem posted anywhere else, I’ve also looked at this page:

Like it says under the Memory Streamer Usage Details header I’ve made all my sub levels static, but that didn’t seem to help. Also I’m just using the default Local Streamer, but I thought I’d try out the Memory Streamer static levels thing anyway.

Also something to note, when I’m running the editor from visual studio and this error happens and I continue past the failed “Ensure” check, the replay plays normally with no problem.

Does anyone know what the problem is here and how I can fix it? Any help would be appreciated.


So I realized that the problem actually occurs after I do a server travel into a map with streamed levels. If I manually go into a map with streamed levels through the editor then try to do a replay its fine. Only when I do a server travel, then record and try to playback the recording do those errors occur.

EDIT: Also this only happens the first time I play the replay. All subsequent replays, even if I turn PIE off and turn it back on again, don’t give me the “Ensure” assert. Only when I restart the editor and try to playback the replay do I get the assert the first time.

Hi, did you by any chance have an issue when doing a multiplayer game? For me, when the host plays are replay, the clients get kicked out of the server