So I’ve finally tried to overcome my fear of updating projects and the problems that this brings with it, had a project working perfectly fine in 4.10.4, when I dicided to open the game with the new version , I started getting a few errors, upon research I found out the pluggin was causing a problem even though the compiler stated that it would disable the plugin, so I manually disabled it on the uproject file, elimintating all ref to the Substance Plug-in. After this, I tried building the project from VS or Generating VS project files and now I get the following Screenshot:
I think for future reference I’ll stick to the same version of UE4.
Any help is appreciated !
Hey -
To confirm your issue, you have a 4.10.4 project that uses the substance plugin, and when you make a copy for 4.13, even after disabling the plugin for the project it is still not opening? Can you create a new 4.10.4 project with the plugin and convert that to 4.13? As an additional check, can you try building the original 4.13 project for Development Editor and see if you’re able to open the project after that. Lastly, if the 4.10.4 project does not actually make use of the Substance plugin (if it was used for another project and was just included when the 4.10 project was created) you can try to disable the plugin in the 4.10 editor and then make a 4.13 copy of the project.
So I tried switching my project back to 4.10, and it states : Couldn’t set association for project, Check the file is writable. I created a new 4.10 project, switch it to 4.13 and it gives the same error, I switched it back and it gives the same error that I posted above, but after closing it and re-opening the VS file for the test project, it complied correctly. As far as the substance plug-in, I had uninstalled it from the 4.10 version in the launcher before creating the test project… don’t know if I should re-install it. And as far as the project that I currently have goes, I didn’t make a copy due to space issues.
Btw I forgot to give thanks on the feedback!
If you are not actively using the Substance plugin then I would not suggest reinstalling it. That being said, what is the exact error you’re getting when you switch a project from 4.10 to 4.13? Are you trying to open the project directly from the project browser / double clicking on the .uproject file or are you launching the project through Visual Studio? Also, can you try right clicking on the original project’s .uproject file and select “Switch Unreal Engine version” and choose 4.10 again.
So I removed “Plugins”: from the code, then it build but with a ton of errors it didn’t have on the 4.10 version. (about 300 errors). It did however let me switch back to 4.10 after this. However I still get the errors on 4.10 version of it: a list of some of them after removing “Plugins”:
I try opening the project, through the uprojectfile, from VS and from launcher, pretty much anywhere I could think of, also tried to “generate files” from the .uprojectfile
The following is the test project after changing it to 4.13 without making any changes whatsoever, including, trying from the uprojectfile after rebuilding .dll and then trying straight from VS
To help make sure I am following your steps correctly, you created a new 4.10 project named Test. After the project was created, close the project and open the 4.13 preview editor. Choose the Test project and choose Make a copy (reccommended) / Convert in place. Then you receive errors when the project attempts to open? If this is not the steps you’re taking, can you list how what you are doing when you create the test project / try to convert it to 4.13 / try to open it.
Also, can you try building the project in Development Editor and then try opening / convert then open again?
Sorry for taking to long to answer, I’m currently working ! ^^; as far as the steps, that sounds about right, I deleted TEST project and did the steps as you just stated, the steps as followed :
Opened Launcher in 4.10
Created a New Project and named it test
Closed the game
Opened Launcher in 4.13 Converted in Place the Test Project
Opened the project after convertion Generated :
After hitting yes, it stated :
After this I tried opening from VS by compiling the code , Set the project as start up… and it worked… So I got no clue, what I did differently now, but it compiled on 4.13… now I’m scared to death that I might’ve damaged my old project since it keeps stating it has… now 21 errors from 300 out of nowhere…
I’m updating this question as resolved since I was able to work through some of the errors as far as updated parameters in delegates regarding overlapping functions. I’m currently having trouble with the VS recognizing the JoinSession function I had working in 4.10 but I’ll post that under another question. Thanks Alot , I guess I kept trying to open between Development Editor and Debug, untill it dropped the errors.