UE4.3 Preview is out now and it supports packaging iOS projects on Windows, and this is a little guide of how to do so. I just wanted to collect everything in one place to save people some time and ease up search.
First thing you need is to create a Povisioning Profile, Certificate and *.p12 Key. You still need Mac OS X for this, you can use real Mac or install OS X on virtual machine. Everything else could be done on Windows.
I’m assuming you have already registered Apple Developer Account and joined iOS Developer Program, if not — https://developer.apple.com/
Creating a Povisioning Profile, Certificate and *.p12 Key. Go to your member center Sign In - Apple and click “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” and create Certificate, app ID, add device, and create Provisioning Profile.
On you Mac OS X Import and then Export Certificate and .p12 key as described here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Platforms/iOS/GettingStarted/index.html
Transfer Certificate and Key to Winodws.
Now you need to install that certificate and key on Windows. Press Start and search for “MMC” in programs. Then go “File → Add/Remove Snap-in…”, choose “Certificates” in the left column and press “Add”, then choose “My user account” → “Finish” → “Ok”. “Certificates – Current User” will show up on the left, open it and go to “Personal → Certificates”, Right Click in the middle of the window (where certificates are listed) and choose “All Tasks → Import”. Now you need to import the Certificate you exported on Mac OS earlier (Next → Next → Finish) and *.p12 key (same as certificate, but you need to change the filter to see *.p12 files). You may wanna leave the password empty for key to avoid automatic packaging access errors. When you done just close MMC, choose “No” when asked to Save, this has no relevance to certificates.
Installing a Povisioning Profile on Windows. Go to your Member Center at Apple Developer Website and download Mobile Provision (*.mobileprovision file). Sign In - Apple
Put it here: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\MobileDevice\Provisioning Profiles\
The name of the file doesn’t have to be UE4Game.
This path: \Unreal Engine\4.3\Engine\Build\IOS
and this path: \Documents\Unreal Projects\PROJECT_NAME\Build\IOS
didn’t work for me.
Open project you wanna package, go to Edit → Project Settings → iOS and press “Configure Now” button. Now you need to press “Open PList Folder” button and edit ContentExamples-Info.plist. Core Foundation Keys
After all that you can File → Package Project → iOS or Launch → iOS_DEVICE_NAME and everything should go Ok. Note that only current map is deploying to device when you press “Launch”.
PS: the log sometimes finishes with errors but the project is packaged and working.
PPS: installed apps are blurry on my iPhone 5 though it has Retina Display. I haven’t figured out why yet.
Followed these instructions and I seem to be getting an error when deploying. Everything works up until the install is at 40% and is verifying the application.
LogPlayLevel:Display: IPhonePackager: … Install is 40% complete at phase ‘VerifyingApplication’
LogPlayLevel:Display: IPhonePackager: Install \ Update of “Test.ipa” failed with There is a problem with the entitlements for this application (0xE8008016) in 24.82 seconds
Fallowed to and I have this error LogPlayLevel:Display: IPhonePackager: IPP ERROR: Could not find UE4Game.mobileprovision in F:\UE4\Unreal Engine\4.3\Engine\Build\IOS (error: ‘Could not find file ‘C:\Users\kolos\Documents\Unreal Projects\sf_Lot 4.3\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS\embedded.mobileprovision’.’). Please follow the setup instructions to get a mobile provision from the Apple Developer site.
Even when provisioning is there an it’s in AppData as well.
From where it’s trying to copy this file? When I copy/paste my proviioning there everything work. (I need to copy everytime when build because it’s clearing this folder)
I have noticed this on a different machine I have been using aswell. Followed the same setup as my main comp but seems to be getting the error still.
I have also noticed that a duplicate of the UE4Game.mobileprovision file is is created in the appdata folder if you don’t have one there already. So it must be getting it from the engine or project folders that it references. Could be an issue with the .mobileprovision copy that the engine does? Although I am still getting the issue even when copying the file directly into the appdata folder.
It’s MMC not MCC. On windows 8 you should go to Metro, then press little arrow at the bottom left (go to all your start menu programs), and search for MMC at the top right.
yes, you have to replace YOUR_USERNAME with your actual user name though. for me it’s C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Apple Computer/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/TestProvisioningProfile.mobileprovision
I solved it, I had to set the game mode to the same game server in the project setting, and in the properties of automation too.exe the start as administrator. Now I can launch and build. Thank you for your help !!!
I am dealing with packaging Unreal project for iOS on computer with Windows. In UE4.7.4 I can’t import certificates the right way (I described the issue in https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/205070/report-an-issue-in-packaging-for-ios.html ). However, with your guidance I was able to import certificate to the right folder (outside the UE). I noticed that in the UE project settings iOS, the provision status about the certificate was previously saying in red font “Certificate Not Found”, now it says in yellow font “Identifier Not Matched.” I must have done something right. However, when I was importing a private key (to the same place as a certificate), the MMC message said that the import was successful but nothing added to the certificate. Therefore it is obvious that the certificate doesn’t have the second part - the private key. What else can I do in this matter, please?