UE4 .27 source build error MSB3073

Hi everyone I’m encountering a problem that is driving me crazy.

I was working with UE 4.27 (source code version) everything was fine since I installed it, I even modified the engine and I had no problems.

This morning I decided to move to visual studio 2022 ( I was using 2019), when I opened my project solution with VS 2022, it asked me to update .Net to 4.8 version, so I did it.

After that I cannot compile my project, Im getting the error showed on the image below. I can’t even recompile the engine. I tried to ru the GenerateProjectFiles.bat again and try to build the engine, but I always get the same error.

I would appreciate any help, I need to keep working on this project to get in time to the deadlines.

VS 2022 is also throwing me this error involving CoreNET.h file

Kind regards,


Just did exactly the same thing (UE4.27.2 and VS2022) and got the same result (MSB3073). Didn’t see the CoreNET.h error, but I’m getting a “P4VC not found” message: 1>------ P4VC not found, C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4vc.exe or C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4vc.exe

The fact that it first complains about not having the .NET 4.6 SDK (during project file generation) and then asks to upgrade to 4.8 is a bit strange. Did you try not upgrading to 4.8 (and sticking with .NET 4.5 as the message I got says)?