UE4.27 How to move text to the center?

Guys. Please help me solve the problem. I need to move the text to the center in the drop-down list. I didn’t find any settings.
There is nothing in the font settings that could move it.



To clarify - you’re using a combo box and generate entries via a bind, right? If so, this functionality can be controlled in the generated widget, not in the combobox:



This should even work without the extra slot, justification should be enough.

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I’ll try to make the alignment centered and see if it works, the problem is that the drop-down list does not have such settings as plain text. The text settings in the combo box are limited by the style, color and stroke without setting the binding (screenshot attached above). But thank you very much! I’ll check it out when I get home!

I know. That’s why you bind a function to generate entries on the fly. This gives you granular control over how things look like. You can even wrap text with a retainer and post process it…

In case there was any doubt:


Expose a string variable on the dynamically generated widget and feed it data:

This widget can be as simple as just a Text Block (no canvas) or as complex as you wish.

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