[UE4.27.2] Weird package directory structure, which causes unable to change Project Name

I’m trying to change application name for my UE4 project. However, it never change from UE4Game.
My directory struture is as follows:

    │  Manifest_NonUFSFiles_Win64.txt
    │  quicktest427.exe
    │  ├─Binaries
    │  │  │  └─Windows
    │  │  │      ├─WinPixEventRuntime
    │  │  │      │  └─x64
    │  │  │      │          WinPixEventRuntime.dll
    │  │  │      │
    │  │  │      └─XAudio2_9
    │  │  │          └─x64
    │  │  │                  xaudio2_9redist.dll
    │  │  │
    │  │  └─Win64
    │  │          OpenImageDenoise.dll
    │  │          tbb12.dll
    │  │          UE4Game.exe // this must be located at <root>\Binaries\Win64\, not here
    │  │


I guess this is invalid. UE4Game.exe must be located under root\Binaries, not root\Engine\Binaries. And UE4Game.exe should be renamed to project name.

Could you help me to find out what’s wrong?