[UE4.27.0] Unreal Plugin file Engine\Source/ThirdParty/EOSSDK/EOSSDK_UPL.xml missing!

I happen to experience the issue after enabling the epic online services plugins. I wonder if anyone has the same problem or probably has the solution to it.


Turns out the file is indeed missing from the binary build of UE4.

Just copy the file directly from UE source code here.

Some dependencies for Android gradle are also missing from the binary build. Get the latest EOS Android SDK in the Developer Portal.

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thanx bro u r awesome.
Downloaded the SDK and the file now it compiled.

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Hello EOSSDK UPL XML Is missing Please Anyone Can Help And Send me UPL XML

git hub have error 404 please help me


can you send me the link for eos upl xml

did you find it, can you send to me too!

eossdk_upl.xml (1.1 KB)
here it is if anyone need it

Hey, I downloaded your file but now I’m getting this error “UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): ERROR: AndroidManifest.xml is invalid System.Xml.XmlException: ‘“’ is an unexpected token. The expected token is '”’ or ‘’'. Line 4, position 47."
Did you face this too, can you please help me to solve this?
Thank you.